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Dear Readers,
This brochure from the Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) presents some of the many researchers who work in various fields and employ a wide range of techniques, but with a single aim – science. The Institute, with its almost 1,200 employees, can never hope to present all its scientific activities, nor can it show the efforts of every researcher who has played a part. However, this brochure, with its presentation of our researchers’ many achievements during 2022, is a step in the right direction: describing our work and our Institute as vividly as possible. Researchers – indeed all those who work in science – are special people, often typified by a reluctance to step into the limelight. However, by showing you some of our achievements from last year, we would like to introduce you to our people and their work, and invite you to become a participant. At the Institute we are world-leading scientists, but we are also ordinary people who like to socialise, chat and come up with solutions to problems. We would like to hear your feedback regarding this first edition of ČasopIJS, because your response will be central to deciding whether we should establish a tradition and continue to publish this brochure in future years. We look forward to hearing from you.

Prof. Dr Boštjan Zalar
Director of the Jožef Stefan Institute


English Edition
[ENG]    [SLO]

Publisher: Jožef Stefan Institute

Author and editor: Polona Strnad

Technical editor: Tomaž Krištofelc

Translation: Paul McGuiness

Design: Lenka Trdina

Photos: Marjan Verč, Luka Virag, Domen Pal, Katja Bidovec, Arne Hodalič and JSI archive


J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Telephone: +386 1 477 39 00