

ZDENKA BADOVINAC - Kratek življenjepis
Zdenka Badovinac je direktorica Moderne galerije, ki jo od leta 2011 sestavlja tudi Muzej sodobne umetnosti Metelkova. Badovinčeva se ukvarja s koncepti muzeja moderne in sodobne umetnosti in nove institucionalnosti. Je kustosinja številnih razstav, na katerih so bili predstavljeni slovenski in mednarodni umetniki. Leta 2000 je iniciirala prvo zbirko vzhodnoevropske umetnosti Arteast 2000+, leta 2010 pa mednarodno konfederacijo muzejev Internacionala. Je članica mnogih mednarodnih svetov; v letih 2010-2013 je bila predsednica mednarodne organizacije muzejev za moderno in sodobno umetnost CIMAM (International Commitee of ICOM for Museums and Collections of Modern Art).

ZDENKA BADOVINAC - Short Biography
Zdenka Badovinac is the director of the Moderna galerija, which has since 2011 been also the Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova. She deals with the concepts of the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art and the New Institutionality. She is the curator of numerous exhibitions, where Slovenian and international artists were presented. In 2000, she initiated the first collection of Eastern European art Arteast 2000+, and in 2010 the International Confederation of Museums of the Internationala. It is a member of many international councils; in the years 2010-2013 she was the president of the international organization of museums for modern and contemporary art CIMAM (International Commitee of ICOM for Museums and Collections of Modern Art).