V001 / JSI / T787

News Archive

The members of several departments from Jožef Stefan Institute participate in the SiQUID (Slovenian Quantum Communication Infrastructure Demonstration) project for establishing quantum key distribution links between several state nodes in Slovenia and a testbed quantum network between research institutions in Ljubljana for advanced quantum communication protocols. Training key personnel, young researchers and engineers in the field of quantum technology is an important goal of SiQUID project. One of the activities in the project is also to test advanced quantum communication protocols and prepare the ground for a future full-scale quantum communication network. We are in close contact with QCI initiatives in all four neighbouring countries to facilitate harmonisation of national efforts and enable future cross-border interconnections and implementation of the EuroQCI space segment. Partners in the project: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics University of Ljubljana (coordinator), Jozef Stefan Institute, Beyond semiconductor d.o.o., Government Information Security Office and Government Office for the Protection of Classified Information.