K3-en / StavberRight

Dr. STOJAN STAVBER, Research consultant ( Slovensko )



Department of Physical and Organic Chemistry
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


+386 1 4773 660


+386 1 4773 822




Scientific and professional carrier

Scientific interests and expertise

Membership of Associations

Membership of Associations

Personal bibliograhy

Professor Dr. Stojan Stavber is Head of Laboratory for Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry at “Jozef Stefan” Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia. His scientific interest is connected with green chemical approach to reactions of organic compounds, especially focused to aerobic oxidative transformations catalysed by non-metal catalysts and halogenations performed in aqueous media and ionic or fluorous liquids or under solvent-free reactions conditions. He is the author of 140 scientific articles published in high ranked scientific journals and his work was cited over 3000 times in the scientific literature. Up to now 15 PhD students finished their postgraduate studies under his supervision.The team of Dr. Stavber is internationally recognized research group of experts and specialists for organohalogen chemistry and organic green chemistry. He is also the reviewer for more than 40 scientific journals among them: Green Chemistry (senior reviewer), Organic Letters, Journal of Organic Chemistry, Chemical Reviews, Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews, Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry etc. He is also the member of the Editorial Board of Chemical Sciences Journal, Current Green Chemistry and E-Journal of Chemistry.