||[[attachment:6.jpg|{{attachment:6.jpg|Slika|width="80px" }}|&do=get]]|| '''SLOBODAN ŽUMER - Kratek življenjepis'''<
> Slobodan Žumer je diplomiral in doktoriral iz fizike na Univerzi v Ljubljani, podoktorski študij pa je opravil v letih 1975-1976 na Univerzi v Bruslju. V letih med 1984-1986 in 1992-1993 je bil gostujoči znanstvenik in profesor na Liquid Crystal Institute, KSU, Kent v ZDA. Od leta 1986 je profesor fizike na Univerzi v Ljubljani in znanstveni svetnik na Institutu "Jožef Stefan". Je vodja medinstitucionalnega raziskovalnega programa Fizika mehkih snovi, površin in nanostruktur. V obdobju med 2008 in 2012 je bil predsednik International Liquid Crystal Society in od leta 2014 njen častni član. Je tudi član European Academy of Sciences and Arts ter Fellow of the American Physical Society v ZDA in Institute of Physics v Veliki Britaniji. Njegove raziskave so usmerjene v modeliranje, simulacije in teorijo kompleksnih mehkih snovi, kot so tekoči kristali, polimeri, nematski elastomeri, koloidi in kompoziti. V zadnjem času se zanima tudi za možnost uporabe kompleksno urejene mehke snovi v optiki in fotoniki. Je soavtor več kot 300 člankov, ima več kot 9800 citatov v Wos (h=51) in več kot 14300 citatov v Google Scholar (h=62).<
>[[V001/StefanoviDnevi2018|Nazaj]]||'''SLOBODAN ŽUMER - Short Biography'''<
>Slobodan Žumer started his career in physics with BSc & PhD from the University of Ljubljana and a postdoc in 1975-76 at University of Brussels. In the periods 1984-86 and 1992-93 he was visiting scientist & professor at Liquid Crystal Institute, KSU, Kent, USA. Since 1986, he is a professor of physics at the University of Ljubljana, and a scientific adviser at Jozef Stefan Institute. He is the head of the inter-institutional research program "Physics of soft matter, surfaces, and nanostructures". In the period 2008-12 he was the president of the International Liquid Crystal Society and since 2014 also its Honored Member. He is a member of European Academy of Sciences and Arts & a Fellow of the American Physical Society and the Institute of Physics (UK). His research interests are modeling, simulations, and theory of complex soft mater that include liquid crystals, polymers, nematic elastomers, colloids, and composites. Recently he is particularly interested in effects of complex ordering on optics and photonics of these systems. He is a coauthor of >300 papers with >9800 citations in WoS (h=51) and > 14300 in Google Scholar (h=62). <
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