###################### PONEDELJEK ||[[attachment:x1.jpg|{{attachment:x1.jpg|Slika|width="100%" }}|&do=get]]|| ||<|2 style=" background: # ; border-width: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; width:14%;font-size: 100%; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; width: ; font-weight: ; text-align: left; color:#D473D4" tablewidth="750px">[[attachment:2b.jpg|{{attachment:2b.jpg|Slika|width="120px" }}|&do=get]]||VABLJENO PREDAVANJE: '''KOVINSKE POVRŠINE IN TANKE OKSIDNE PLASTI: <
>Prof. dr. Philippe Marcus, CNRS - Chimie !ParisTech - PSL University, Francija''' — [[MarcusCV|Kratka biografija]]<
>'''__Velika predavalnica Instituta, ob 13.00__'''<
>Kovinske površine, prekrite z oksidnimi plastmi, so pomembne na mnogoterih področjih, posebej pri kovinskih materialih, ki jih uporabljajo v energetiki in transportu. V predavanju bomo obravnavali najnovejši razvoj na področju karakterizacije in razumevanja kemičnih in strukturnih značilnosti oksidnih plasti na površinah kovin in zlitin na nanonivoju, in sicer z vidika znanosti o površinah in elektrokemije. Predstavljeni rezultati temeljijo na uporabi naprednih analitičnih metod pri študiju površin, kot so vrstična tunelska mikroskopija, vrstična tunelska spektroskopija, rentgenska fotoelektronska spektroskopija, masna spektrometrija sekundarnih ionov z merjenjem časa preleta, v kombinaciji z elektrokemičnimi meritvami in dopolnjena z DFT-modeliranjem.|| ||INVITED LECTURE: '''METAL SURFACES AND THIN OXIDE FILMS: <
>Prof. Philippe Marcus, CNRS - Chimie !ParisTech - PSL University, France''' — [[MarcusCV|Short Biography]]''' <
>__Great Hall, at 13.00__'''<
>Metal surfaces covered by oxide films are important in several areas, and especially for metallic materials used in energy and transport applications. This lecture will focus on recent advances in the characterization and understanding of the chemical and structural properties of oxide layers on metal and alloy surfaces at the nanoscale, combining surface science and electrochemistry. The presented data are based on the application of advanced surface analytical techniques, such as Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy, Scanning Tunnelling Spectroscopy, X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Time-of-Flight Secondary-Ion Mass Spectrometry, combined with electrochemical measurements, and complemented by DFT modelling.|| ||<|2 style=" background: # ; border-width: 0px; border-color:#00A86B; border-top-width: 0px; width:14%;font-size: 100%; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; width: ; font-weight: ; text-align: left; color:#D473D4" tablewidth="750px">[[attachment:3c.jpg|{{attachment:3c.jpg|Slika|width="120px" }}|&do=get]]||RAZSTAVA: '''AVGUST ČERNIGOJ: OBJEKTI, SLIKE, KOLAŽI''' - [[attachment:Koledar prireditev/Zgibanka_zadnja1.pdf|Vabilo na razstavo (PDF)|&do=get]] '''<
>__Galerija IJS, ob 14.30__'''<
>Avgust Černigoj je najvidnejši predstavnik slovenske likovne avantgarde. Bil je učenec v Weimarju na Bauhausu, ki je bil sinonim za avantgardo in socializem. Čeprav je bil zaradi pomanjkanja sredstev navzoč le en semester, je tam dobil osnove konstruktivizma. Je utemeljitelj konstruktivizma pri nas in je med najvidnejšimi predstavniki zgodovinske avantgarde v slovenski likovni umetnosti. Leta 1976 je prejel Prešernovo nagrado za življenjsko delo na likovnem področju. Danes je njegova umetnost znova v središču zanimanja in bolj kot kdaj aktualna. Rodil se je v slovenski delavski družini 24. avgusta 1898 v Trstu. Talent, ki ga je pokazal kot deček, mu je zagotovil štipendijo in prvo šolanje na tržaški Umetnostno-obrtni šoli, kjer je končal oddelek dekorativnega slikarstva. Sredi šestdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja je bilo po njegovih besedah njegovo najbolj plodno obdobje ustvarjanja oljnih slik. V Lipici, tej zeleni kraški oazi, je Černigoj preživel zadnjih pet let svojega življenja. S hvaležnostjo za bivanje in za vso človeško pozornost je Lipici v spomin zapustil 1355 svojih umetniških del, ki so danes shranjena v stalni zbirki in na ogled v Galeriji Avgusta Černigoja. Približno 400 del, kolikor jih je postavljenih na ogled, skušajo predstaviti različna področja, s katerimi se je Černigoj ukvarjal v več kot šestdeset let trajajočem ustvarjalnem obdobju. Pod avtorsko postavitev je podpisan Novi kolektivizem. Za tokratno razstavo izbrana razstavljena dela so iz lipiške galerije z njegovim imenom. "Popolnost je potrebno izgraditi preko raziskovanja in se nikoli prepustiti obupu," so Černigojeve besede, ki - poleg več kot tridesetih njegovih tokrat razstavljenih objektov, kolažev in slik - veliko povedo o njem samem in o njegovi umetnosti. - ''Tatjana Pregl Kobe''|| ||EXHIBITION: '''AVGUST ČERNIGOJ: OBJECTS, PAINTINGS, COLLAGES<
>__Great Hall, at 14.30__'''<
> Avgust Černigoj is the most prominent representative of the Slovenian avant-garde. He was a student at Bauhaus (Weimar, Germany), a synonym for the avant-garde and socialism. He is the founder of constructivism in the country and is one of the most prominent representatives of the historical avant-garde in Slovenian fine arts. In 1976 he received the Prešeren Prize for lifetime work in the field of art. Today, his art is again at the centre of interest and more than ever relevant. He was born into a Slovenian working-class family on August 24, 1898 in Trieste. His talent provided him with a scholarship and his first education at the Trieste Arts and Crafts School, where he finished a course at the Department of Decorative Painting. In Lipica, the green karst oasis, Černigoj spent the last 5 years of his life. To show his gratitude for all the human attention he was given, he left 1355 of his works to Lipica. These are now stored in a permanent collection and can be seen at the Lipica Gallery of August Černigoj. Approximately 400 works represent various areas in which Černigoj was engaged in more than 60 years of his creative period. The authorship of the exhibition is attributed to the New Collectivism. The current exhibition at the J. Stefan Institute is a collection of works from the exhibition in the Lipica Gallery. "Perfection needs to be built through research and never let go of despair," are Černigoj's words, which, in addition to more than thirty of his exhibited objects, collages and paintings, reveal a great deal about him and his art. - ''Tatjana Pregl Kobe'' || ###################### TOREK ||[[attachment:x2.jpg|{{attachment:x2.jpg|Slika|width="100%" }}|&do=get]]|| ||<|2 style=" background: # ; border-width: 0px; border-color:#00A86B; border-top-width: 0px; width:14%;font-size: 100%; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; width: ; font-weight: ; text-align: left; color:#D473D4" tablewidth="750px">[[attachment:4d.jpg|{{attachment:4d.jpg|Slika|width="120px" }}|&do=get]]||OKROGLA MIZA: '''INTELEKT NA ROBU DRUŽBE <
>__Velika predavalnica Instituta, ob 11.30__'''<
>Razmišljujoči analitki naše družbene realnosti ugotavljajo, da slovenska država že dlje časa ne premore strokovnosti in volje, da bi gradila in spodbujala nastanek dolgoročnejših vizij na različnih področjih družbenega razvoja. Znanje, ustvarjalnost, inovativnost ter odprtost do novih in prebojnih idej postajajo drugorazredne vrednote. V takšnem okolju se razrašča problematičen odnos političnih elit do intelektualcev, do vloge znanosti v družbenem razvoju in tudi drugih na znanju temelječih dejavnosti. V medijih prednjačijo puhlice, zaslužkarstvo, neresnične novice in nastopaštvo. Udeleženci okrogle mize bodo razpravljali o aktualnih dogajanjih v slovenski družbi z vidika intelektualca, ki se vse bolj in ne samo po svoji volji umika iz javnega življenja. Zanimalo jih bo, kateri so razlogi, da postaja slovenska družba vse bolj antiintelektualna in antiustvarjalna, in kakšne posledice bo to imelo v letih, ki so pred nami. <
> '''Ali Žerdin<
>Ervin Hladnik Milharčič <
> Marcel Štefančič<
>__Great Hall, at 11.30__'''<
>Reflective analysts of our social reality find that the state has not longed to have the will and expertise to build and promote the emergence of longer-term visions in various areas of social development. Knowledge, creativity, innovation and openness to new and breakthrough ideas become secondary values. In such an environment, the attitude of political elites to intellectuals, the role of science in social development, and other knowledge-based activities become problematic. The media are dominated by hobbies, earnings, fake news and performances. The participants of the round table will discuss current events in Slovenian society from the point of view of an intellectual who is withdrawing from public life more and more of his or her own will. They will be interested in the reasons why Slovenian society is becoming increasingly anti-intellectual and anti-artistic, and what consequences it will have in the years ahead. <
> <
>'''Ali Žerdin<
>Ervin Hladnik Milharčič <
> Marcel Štefančič<
>Jadran Lenarčič''', moderator || ||<|2 style=" background: # ; border-width: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; width:14%;font-size: 100%; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; width: ; font-weight: ; text-align: left; color:#D473D4" tablewidth="750px">[[attachment:4.jpg|{{attachment:4.jpg|Slika|width="120px" }}|&do=get]]||VABLJENO PREDAVANJE: '''AVGUST ČERNIGOJ IN TEATER MNOŽICE<
>Dragan Živadinov, Slovenija''' — [[ZivadinovCV|Kratka biografija]]'''<
>__Velika predavalnica Instituta, ob 13.00__'''|| ||INVITED LECTURE: '''AVGUST ČERNIGOJ AND "TEATER-MASSE"<
>Dragan Živadinov, Slovenia''' — [[ZivadinovCV|Short biography]]'''<
>__Great Hall, at 13.00__'''|| ###################### SREDA ||[[attachment:x3.jpg|{{attachment:x3.jpg|Slika|width="100%" }}|&do=get]]|| ||<|2 style=" background: # ; border-width: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; width:14%;font-size: 100%; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; width: ; font-weight: ; text-align: left; color:#D473D4" tablewidth="750px">[[attachment:5b.jpg|{{attachment:5b.jpg|Slika|width="120px" }}|&do=get]]||VABLJENO PREDAVANJE: '''PREPLETENOST: EINSTEINOVO DARILO KVANTNI MEHANIKI<
>NOBELOV NAGRAJENEC: prof. dr. Duncan Haldane, Princeton University, ZDA''' — [[HaldaneCV|Kratka biografija]]'''<
>__Velika predavalnica Instituta, ob 13.00__'''<
>Ena od najbolj presenetljivih lastnosti, ki jih je napovedala kvantna mehanika, je prepletenost med objekti, ki ležijo na različnih mestih. To je Einstein imenoval "strašljivo delovanje na daljavo" in razumel kot nekaj, kar je v nasprotju z zdravo pametjo in je tudi nekompatibilno z gravitacijsko teorijo. Po njegovem bi eksperiment zagotovo pokazal, da kvantna teorija ne drži. Kasnejši eksperimenti pa so pokazali nasprotno, da kvantna teorija velja. V zadnjih letih je jasno, da je Einsteinovo nesprejemanje kvantne teorije napačno. Lastnost prepletenosti, ki jo je napovedal, je ne le zanimivost, vredna filozofske razprave, pač pa je mogoče temeljna substanca kvantne mehanike. Tačas je ta v središču odkritij na področju topološke kvantne snovi (za te raziskave je profesor Haldane prejel Nobelovo nagrado) in je videna kot vir ali gorivo bodočih zmogljivih kvantnih računalnikov. Einstein je menil, da je vpeljava kozmološke konstante v gravitacijsko teorijo njegova prva največja napaka, vendar se danes kaže, da bi lahko bila povezana z najnovejšimi odkritji temne energije. Tudi njegovo mnenje, da je prepletenost njegova druga največja napaka, je prav tako z vidika današnjega časa zmotno in se kaže kot eno najbolj plodnih odkritij.|| ||INVITED LECTURE: '''ENTANGLEMENT: EINSTEIN'S GIFT TO QUANTUM MECHANICS<
>NOBEL LAUREATE Prof. Duncan Haldane, Princeton University, USA''' — [[HaldaneCV|Short Biography]]'''<
>__Great Hall, at 13.00__'''<
>One of the surprising features predicted by quantum mechanics is what is called "entanglement" between objects in different places, which Albert Einstein famously called "spooky action at a distance", and felt was so contrary to common-sense (and incompatible with his theory of gravity) that an attempt to demonstrate it experimentally would surely show that quantum theory was not correct. But when it eventually become possible to test it experimentally, quantum mechanics passed the test. In recent years it has become apparent that while Einstein's opposition to quantum theory was wrong, the property of "entanglement" that he identified as a prediction of quantum theory is not just a curiosity that philosophers can debate, but perhaps its central ingredient. It lies at the heart of the recent discoveries of "topological quantum matter" (the work for which Haldane shared the 2016 Nobel Prize for Physics), and is now viewed as a "resource" or fuel that could drive future powerful "quantum computers". Einstein felt the introduction of the "cosmological constant" in his theory of gravity was his "biggest mistake", but today it seems likely that it is related to the recently discovered "dark energy". If his disbelief in entanglement was his "second biggest mistake", it, like the first, has been a very fruitful one indeed.|| ||<|2 style=" background: # ; border-width: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; width:14%;font-size: 100%; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; width: ; font-weight: ; text-align: left; color:#D473D4" tablewidth="750px">[[attachment:6c.jpg|{{attachment:6c.jpg|Slika|width="120px" }}|&do=get]]||VABLJENO PREDAVANJE: '''OCEAN ONE - ROBOTSKI AVATAR ZA GLOBOKOMORSKE RAZISKAVE'''<
> '''Prof. dr. Oussama Khatib, Stanford University, ZDA''' — [[OussamaCV|Kratka biografija]]<
>Predstavljen bo razvoj dvoročnega humanoidnega robota Ocean One, ki prinaša v oceansko okolje novo tehnologijo intuitivne haptične interakcije. Robota so že uporabili v ekspediciji v Sredozemlju na potopljeni ladji kralja Louisa XIV. Francoskega, ki leži ob obali Toulona na globini enaindevetdeset metrov. Dokazano je bilo, da lahko robot Ocean One, zamenja človeka pri nevarnem delu na veliki globini, hkrati pa poveže svoje znanje, intuicijo in izkušnje pri reševanju zadane naloge. Pričakovati je, da bodo bodoči robotski avatarji iskali in pridobivali rudo, gradili infrastrukturo ter izvajali preventivna ali obnovitvena opravila globoko v oceanih in rudnikih, na gorskih vrhovih ali v vesolju.<
>__Velika predavalnica Instituta, ob 18.00__''' <
>Institut podeljuje zlate znake za odmevna doktorska dela s področja naravoslovno-matematičnih, tehniških, medicinskih in biotehniških ved. <
>Pozdravni nagovor: '''direktor Instituta "Jožef Stefan" prof. dr. Jadran Lenarčič '''<
>Slovesni nagovor: '''predsednik Vlade Republike Slovenije dr. Miro Cerar'''<
>častni gost: '''Nobelov nagrajenec prof. dr. Duncan Haldane''' <
> '''Prof. Oussama Khatib, Stanford University, USA''' — [[OussamaCV|Short Biography]]<
>The discussion focuses on the development of Ocean One, a bimanual humanoid robotic diver that brings intuitive haptic physical interaction to oceanic environments. The robot was deployed during an expedition in the Mediterranean to Louis XIV's flagship Lune, lying off the coast of Toulon at 91 meters. Ocean One's demonstrated ability to distance humans physically from dangerous and unreachable spaces, while connecting their skills, intuition, and experience to the task, promises to fundamentally alter remote work. Robotic avatars will search for and acquire materials, build infrastructure, and perform disaster-prevention and recovery operations - be it deep in oceans and mines, on mountain tops, or in space.<
>__Great Hall, at 18.00__''' <
> The Institute awards the Jožef Stefan Golden Emblem Prize for winning PhD dissertations in the fields of engineering, natural sciences and life sciences.<
>Welcome address: '''Director of the Jožef Stefan Institute, prof. Jadran Lenarčič '''<
>Honorary address: '''Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Prof. Miro Cerar'''<
>Honorary Guest: '''Nobel Laureate, Prof. Duncan Haldane'''|| ###################### ČETRTEK ||[[attachment:x4.jpg|{{attachment:x4.jpg|Slika|width="100%" }}|&do=get]]|| ||<|2 style=" background: # ; border-width: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; width:14%;font-size: 100%; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; width: ; font-weight: ; text-align: left; color:#D473D4" tablewidth="750px">[[attachment:7b.jpg|{{attachment:7b.jpg|Slika|width="120px" }}|&do=get]]||VABLJENO PREDAVANJE: '''FRUSTRIRANA TEKOČE KRISTALNA UREJENOST KOT KLJUČ DO TOPOLOŠKE MEHKE SNOVI<
>Prof. dr. Slobodan Žumer, Institut "Jožef Stefan" in Univerza v Ljubljani, Slovenija''' — [[ZumerCV|Kratka biografija]] '''<
>__Velika predavalnica Instituta, ob 13.00__'''<
>Za topološko mehko snov so značilni stabilni defekti v njeni orientacijski urejenosti. Kompleksnost defektnih struktur in njihova stabilnost temeljita na frustraciji, ki je pogojena s konfliktnostjo vplivov kiralnosti, anizotropne elastičnosti, ograjenosti in zunanjih polj. Pokazali bomo, kako enostavni tekoči kristali, kot so nematiki, kolesteriki in modre faze, tvorijo "topološko igrišče", kjer s kontrolirano frustracijo lahko stabiliziramo točkovne in linijske singularne defekte ter nesingularne solitonske strukture, kot so npr. skirmioni. Nasprotno od dobro poznane rabe tekočih kristalov v prikazalnikih, kjer so defekti moteč element, topološka mehka snov odpira nove možnosti za rabo v fotoniki, plazmoniki in senzoriki.|| ||INVITED LECTURE: '''FRUSTRATED LIQUID-CRYSTALLINE ORDERING AS A KEY TO TOPOLOGICAL SOFT MATTER<
>Prof. Slobodan Žumer, Jožef Stefan Institute and University of Ljubljana, Slovenia''' — [[ZumerCV|Short Biography]] '''<
>__Great Hall, at 13.00__'''<
>Topological soft matter is characterized by stable defects in its orientational ordering. The complexity and stability of defect structures depend on the frustration caused by conflicting effects of chirality, anisotropic elasticity, confinement, and external fields. We will show how simple liquid crystals like nematic, cholesteric, and blue phases form a "topological playground" where, by controlled frustration, we can stabilize point & line singular defects, and non-singular solitonic structures like skyrmions. In contrast to the well-known use of liquid crystals in displays, where defects are undesired objects, topological soft matter opens up new possibilities for applications in photonics, plasmonics, and sensorics.|| ###################### PETEK ||[[attachment:x5.jpg|{{attachment:x5.jpg|Slika|width="100%" }}|&do=get]]|| ||<|2 style=" background: # ; border-width: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; width:14%;font-size: 100%; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; width: ; font-weight: ; text-align: center; color:#D473D4" tablewidth="750px">[[attachment:8d.jpg|{{attachment:8d.jpg|Slika|width="120px" }}|&do=get]]||PREDSTAVITEV: '''ZMAGOVALNI PROJEKT DIREKTORJEVEGA SKLADA ZA LETO 2018<
>__Velika predavalnica Instituta, ob 11.30__'''<
>Strokovni svet direktorja Instituta "Jožef Stefan" vsako leto objavi poziv za predlaganje projektov Direktorjevega sklada, ki so namenjeni nakupu in gradnji nove raziskovalne infrastrukture v okviru internega investicijskega projekta z namenom, da se olajša in omogoči ustvarjanje obetajočih novih raziskovalnih področij raziskovalcem mlajše generacije. Na podlagi ocenjevalnega postopka bosta financiranje prejela eden ali dva projekta, ki bosta najbolj navdušila ocenjevalce. Direktorjev sklad je namenjen nakupu in gradnji raziskovalne infrastrukture v okviru investicijskega projekta, ki ga na poziv strokovnega sveta direktorja predložijo mladi doktorji znanosti do 7 let po opravljenem doktoratu. To je v obdobju, ko so se že dokazali s svojim raziskovalnim delom in ko se odločajo o nadaljevanju svoje raziskovalne kariere na Institutu.|| ||PRESENTATION: '''WINNER OF THE DIRECTOR'S FUND FOR 2018<
>__Great Hall, at 13.00__'''<
>The Director's Council of the Jožef Stefan Institute announces a Call for Proposals for the Director's Fund projects, which focuses on purchasing and/or developing a new research infrastructure (as part of an internal investment project) with the aim being to facilitate and enable the creation of promising new research areas for younger generations of researchers. Either one or two proposals will be selected on the basis of a comprehensive evaluation process. The Director's Fund is dedicated to the purchase and construction of a research infrastructure in the framework of an investment project that is submitted by young scientists up to 7 years after the completion of their doctoral degree, i.e., during the period when they have already proven their talent for research and when they decide to continue their research career at the Institute.|| ||<|2 style=" background: # ; border-width: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; width:14%;font-size: 100%; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; width: ; font-weight: ; text-align: left; color:#D473D4" tablewidth="750px">[[attachment:8e.jpg|{{attachment:8e.jpg|Slika|width="120px" }}|&do=get]]||VABLJENO PREDAVANJE: '''KAKO STROJEM VGRADITI PRAVI SMISEL ZA HUMOR<
>Prof. dr. Tony Veale, University College Dublin, Irska''' — [[VealeCV|Kratka biografija]] '''<
>__Velika predavalnica Instituta, ob 13.00__'''<
>Duhovitost je v veliki meri pokvarljivo blago. Ko se zamenja duh časa, nekatere priložnosti za duhovitost spontano izpuhtijo ali prenehajo biti aktualne, na novih področjih pa se za humor odprejo nove možnosti. Da bi umestili strojne generatorje humorja v pametno okolje, moramo ustvariti programska ogrodja, ki bi razvijalcem omogočila hitro odzivanje na spreminjajoče se norme in ustvarjanje inteligentnega humorja na novih, sodobnih tematikah. V tem predavanju obravnavamo Twitter kot eno od okolij, ki omogoča hiter razvoj novih strojnih generatorjev humorja s samodejnim prilagajanjem njihovega smisla za humor, predhodno razvitega za neko drugo tematiko. V predavanju pojasnimo, kaj je smisel za humor računalniških programov ter kako razločimo tiste elemente, ki so generični in ponovno uporabni, od tistih, ki so prilagojeni in vezani na določen cilj.|| ||INVITED LECTURE: '''WHAT WILL IT TAKE TO GIVE MACHINES A REAL SENSE OF HUMOUR<
>Prof. Tony Veale, University College Dublin, Ireland''' — [[VealeCV|Short Biography]] '''<
>__Great Hall, at 13.00__'''<
> Much of what we consider humorous is a perishable commodity. As the shifting plates of the Zeitgeist create new opportunities for humour in one domain of human experience, other opportunities dry up or cease to be topical. To situate automated humour generators in a smart environment, we shall need to build frameworks that allow designers to react rapidly to changing norms and exploit topical new targets for wit. In this talk I consider Twitter to be one such environment, and explore the rapid development of new humour generators by transferring a reusable sense of humour from one domain-specific generator to another. I shall articulate what it means for a computer program to have a sense of humour in the first place, before I distinguish between those aspects that are generic and reusable and those that are bespoke and tied to a specific goal.|| ###################### SOBOTA ||[[attachment:x6.jpg|{{attachment:x6.jpg|Slika|width="100%" }}|&do=get]]|| ||<|2 style=" background: # ; border-width: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; width:14%; font-size: 100%; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; width: ; font-weight: ; text-align: left; color:#D473D4" tablewidth="750px">[[attachment:1b.jpg|{{attachment:1b.jpg|Slika|width="120px" }}|&do=get]]||'''DAN ODPRTIH VRAT <
>__Pred glavno stavbo Instituta, Jamova 39, ob 9.00-14.00__'''<
>Vabimo vas, da se udeležite dneva odprtih vrat na Institutu "Jožef Stefan", kjer boste izvedeli več o raziskovalnem delu, ki poteka na Institutu, raziskovalci pa vam bodo predstavili dejavnosti posameznih laboratorijev ter zanimive eksperimente. Obiskovalce vabimo, da se ob polni uri (ob 9h, 10h, 11h, 12h in 13h) zberejo pri vratarju na glavnem vhodu IJS (Jamova 39) ter si izberejo in ogledajo enega od pripravljenih programov ogledov laboratorijev Instituta v trajanju ene ure. Na voljo so programi: 1) snov-robotika, 2) biologija-kemija-fizika ter 3) inteligenca-sistemi- materiali-okolje. Ob tem bodo na voljo tudi delavnice Šole eksperimentalne kemije, ki obiskovalcem omogočajo neposredno sodelovanje pri poskusih. Ob polnih urah bo organiziran brezplačen prevoz (odhod z Jamove) na Rekatorski center, kjer oglede omogoča in organizira Informacijski center za jedrsko tehnologijo (ISJT), in sicer: ob 9.00, 10.00, 11.00, 12.00, 13.00 in ob 14.00 (ko gre bus po obiskovalce na Reaktor, ker se zadnji ogled tam zaključi ob 14.30). V Reaktorskem centru si bodo obiskovalci lahko (ob 9.30, 10.30, 11.30, 12.30 in 13.30 - zadnji ogled) ogledali enega od slovenskih pospeševalnikov, laboratorije Odseka znanosti o okolju, razstavo o jedrski tehnologiji in raziskovalni jedrski reaktor Triga.|| ||'''OPEN DAY OF THE INSTITUTE <
>__In front of the main building, Jamova 39, 9:00am-2:00pm__'''<
>You are kindly invited to attend the Open Day at the Jožef Stefan Institute, where you will learn more about the research work at the Institute and at the same time researchers will present activities of research departments and show interesting experiments. Visitors are invited to gather at the main entrance of the Jožef Stefan Institute (Jamova 39) at full hour (9:00am, 10:00am, 11:00am, 12:00pm (noon) and 1:00pm) and select and view one of the prepared programmes of laboratory visits in duration of one hour. You may select from 1) Matter-Robotics, 2) Biology-Chemistry-Physics, 3) Intelligence-Systems-Materials-Environment. At the same time, workshops "School of experimental chemistry" will also be organised, which enables visitors to directly participate in experiments. At full hour (at 9:00am, 10:00am, 11:00am, 12:00pm (noon), 1:00pm, 2:00pm - when the bus will go to pick up visitors from Reactor Center where the last tour ends at 2:30pm) a free of charge transportation (departure from Jamova 39) will be organized for the visit to the Reactor Center, where the tours are organized by the Nuclear Training Center (ICJT). At the Reactor Center visitors will be able to visit (at 9:30am, 10:30am, 11:30am, 12:30pm and 1:30pm - last tour) one of the Slovenian accelerators, the Laboratory of the Department of Environmental Sciences, the exhibition on nuclear technology and the research nuclear reactor Triga.|| <