[[V001/IJS|{{attachment:Rubrike/T358.jpg|Slika|width="340px"}}|&do=get]] Researchers from Jožef Stefan Institute (IJS) I.Urbančič, M.Garvas, H.Majaron, B.Kokot, P.Umek, Z.Arsov, T.Koklič, M.Škarabot, I.Muševič in J.Štrancar (F5) and M.Čeh (CEMM in K7) as well as from University of Oxford (UO) F.Schneider, S.Galiani in C.Eggeling and from from University College Dublin (UCD) have identified the causal connection between inhalation of nanoparticles, lipid wrapping and triggerring of the coagulation signal cascade in lung epithelium. Recently installed super-resolution STED microscope significantly contributed to this findings together with expertise transfer from UO and new proteomics techniques at UCD. The work entitled [[ https://cdn-pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.nanolett.8b02291 | Nanoparticles Can Wrap Epithelial Cell Membranes and Relocate Them Across the Epithelial Cell Layer ]] was published in Nano Letters.