Ime strani: TomazApih / CV2

Doc. Dr Tomaž Apih

Brief CV2

Born: 22.8.1965, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Married, one child


B.Sc. Degree in Physics »Study of phase transitions in deuterated Rochelle salt by 23Na NMR«, (1989) Department for Physics, Faculty of natural sciences and technology, University of Ljubljana

M.Sc. Degree in Physics: »Study of phase transitions in RbSCN, KSCN and NH4SCN with quadrupolar perturbed nuclear magnetic resonance«, (1993) Department for Physics, Faculty of natural sciences and technology, University of Ljubljana

Ph.D. in Physics: »Study of multidimensionally modulated incommensurate systems with nuclear magnetic and quadrupole resonance«, (1996) Department for Physics, Faculty of natural sciences and technology, University of Ljubljana

1999 – Post-doc position, prof. Hans Rudolf Ott, Solid State Physics Laboratory, ETH Zürich, Switzerland


1988: Young Researcher, Condensed Matter Physics Dept., J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana

1999: Post-doc position, prof. Hans Rudolf Ott, Solid State Physics Laboratory, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

2000: Research Associate, full time, Condensed Matter Physics Dept., J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

2005- : Senior Research Associate, Condensed Matter Physics Dept., J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

2007- : Assistant Professor Habilitation, J. Stefan International Postgraduate School, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Comissions, memberships:

Scientific interests

Selected publications: