''' THEORETICAL PHYSICS - F1 ''' * Theoretical Solid-State and Statistical Physics * Theory of Niclei, Elementary Particles and Fields * Biophyisics and Soft Condensed Matter [[http://www-f1.ijs.si/|Departmental web pages]]<
> [[http://www-f1.ijs.si/index.php?page=publications|Publications]]<
> [[http://www-f1.ijs.si/index.php?page=contacts|Contacts]] <
> '''Head of Department''' <
> Prof. Jernej Fesel Kamenik, Ph.D., jernej.kamenik@ijs.si <
> '''Secretary''' <
>Tjaša Lazič Mihelič, tjasa.lazic@ijs.si, 00386 1 477 3789 <
>Alma Mehle, alma.mehle@ij.si, 00386 1 477 3783 <
>f1tajnistvo@ijs.si <
> <
> Research group for theoretical solid-state and statistical physics is studying phase transitions and critical phenomena in ferroelectrics and surface physics, models of strongly correlated electrons, high-temperature superconductivity and quantum dots, and structure and transport in complex networks.<
> The members of the group for theoretical particle and nuclear physics are engaged in research on nuclear and hadron physics, quantum chromodynamics, effective theories for electromagnetic and weak meson decays, grand unified theories, physics of relativistic membranes, and high precision computations of three body systems in atomic physics. <
> The group for theoretical biophysics and soft condensed matter is investigating polyelectrolytes, liquid and colloidal crystals, as well as phospholipid and biological membranes.