## page was renamed from V001/StefanoviDnevi2021 ||[[V001/JSI/Naslovna|{{attachment:ZaNaslovnaFotografija.jpg|Naslovna slika / cover photo |width="83%"}}]] || ||Ob obletnici rojstva Jožefa Stefana, ki je 24. marca, organizira Institut Dneve Jožefa Stefana. Ti potekajo od leta 1993, njihov namen je popularizacija znanosti in počastitev spomina na slavnega fizika. Zaradi razmer v času epidemije bodo Dnevi Jožefa Stefana letos potekali na daljavo. Na dan dogodka bo povezava do želenega dogodka objavljena na [[http://www.ijs.si/|spletni strani Instituta “Jožef Stefan”]], kjer se boste povezali z nami prek videokonferenčnega sistema.||Each year since 1993, at the end of March, the Institute has organised the Days of Jožef Stefan, with the aim being to popularise science and to celebrate the birthday of this great Slovenian physicist. Due to the epidemiological constraints, all the events will be realized through videoconferencing. On the day of each event, we will publish the link and instructions on how to connect on [[http://www.ijs.si/|Jožef Stefan Institute's home page]] for your convenience. || || || ||PROGRAM 22.-27. marec 2021||PROGRAMME March 22-27, 2021 || ||<>||