#format wiki #acl Default #language en || [[JSI| Institute at a glance]] <
>[[V001/JSI|eNewsJSI]] || [[More about the Jožef Stefan Institute|More about the Institute]] <
>[[More about the Institute's reactor centre]]<
>[[Jožef Stefan En|More about physicist Jožef Stefan]]<
> <
> || || {{attachment:Izvor znaka IJS/Stefan.jpg}} <
>'''~- The Jožef Stefan Institute logo are letters IJS, written in 5-bit teleprinter code on punched tape. <
> The figure on the right is from the publication ''A look into the Jožef Stefan Institute 1949-1979'' (in Slovene) written by Peter Likar and illustrated by Božo Kos.-~'''<
>|| [[Logotip IJS|Logotype IJS]]<
> {{attachment:Izvor znaka IJS/znak.jpg}} <
> <
> [[http://www.kloth.net/services/ttypunch.php|5-bit teleprinter code emulator]] <
>The Stefan-Boltzmann law states that the energy flux density by a blackbody is proportional to the fourth power of its thermodynamic temperature; because of their similarity, the Greek letter Sigma (representing the Stefan-Boltzmann constant) can be replaced with the logo of the Institute "Jozef Stefan": <
> <
>{{attachment:Izvor znaka IJS/Blank.jpg}}[[attachment:Enačba1.jpg|{{attachment:Izvor znaka IJS/Ebačba1.jpg|Stefan-Bolzman zakon|width="110px"}}|&do=get]] <
>{{attachment:Izvor znaka IJS/Blank.jpg}}[[attachment:Enačba2.jpg|{{attachment:Izvor znaka IJS/Ebačba2.jpg|Stefan-Bolzman zakon|width="110px"}}|&do=get]] <
>|| ||~-J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Telephone: +386 1 477 39 00<
> info@ijs.si -~ ||