#format wiki #acl Default #language en {{http://www.ijs.si/ijs/zzjs/zzjs-stefan.gif}} [[Javni razpis za zlati znak Jožefa Stefana, 2006|Applications for the Jožef Stefan Golden Emblem Prizes for the year 2006]] (in Slovenian language) Every year in the end of March the J. Stefan Institute organises the J. Stefan Days. The aim of this traditional celebration is to remember this famous Slovenian physicist and popularisation of the science. In the frame of these days the Institute organises some events: one among them is to award the best doctoral dissertations in the field of natural sciences with The Jozef Stefan Golden Emblem Prize. Every year the Institute confers up to three '''Jozef Stefan Golden Emblem awards''' for outstanding contributions made to science in Doctoral theses. The list of candidates resulting from a public call for proposals is considered by a Committee consisting of distinguished researchers from the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Slovenian Universities and other institutions. The awards are conferred by this Committee at a special ceremony. The Prize is a golden medal. On one side is an impression of the head of Jožef Stefan and, on the reverse, the name of the prize-winner, the serial number of the medal and the date of the awarding ceremony. Each prize-winner also receives a certificate and a small cash award.