Computer Systems E7 / Desno


Departmental web pages
Important publications

Head of Department
Assoc. Prof. Gregor Papa, Ph. D.,

Jolanda Jakofčič,
Telephone: (01) 477 35 82
Andreja Vlašič,
Telephone: (01) 477 31 06
Faks: (01) 477 38 82

The research in high-level synthesis is focused on hardware implementation and optimization of algorithms in different applications, such as cryptography, 3D-data compression, intelligent sensors, etc. Our expertly qualified members give lectures and participate as mentors at Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School in the areas of processor architectures, embedded systems, and design and test.

In our research we frequently meet with hard combinatorial and numerical problems in various domains of theoretical interest and practical applications. For their solutions we apply bio-inspired algorithms including genetic algorithms, neural networks and ant-colony optimization. These methods have been successfully applied to real-world problems, such as minimization of the power losses of a universal electro-motor, optimization of an electro-motor casing with reduced production costs, optimization of the coolant flow settings for the continuous casting of steel, and dietary menu planning.