|| [[JSI| Institute at a glance]] <
>[[V001/JSI|eNewsJSI]] || [[More about the Jožef Stefan Institute|More about the Institute]] <
>[[More about the Institute's reactor centre]]<
>[[Jožef Stefan En|More about physicist Jožef Stefan]]<
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> || ||{{attachment:Jožef Stefan Sl/Stefan.jpg}} <
>'''Each year around 24 March the Institute organises the Days of Jožef Stefan to mark the birthday of this great Slovenian physicist. Over a period of one week, high-level scientific and cultural meetings are combined with open days at the Institute. <
> Jožef Stefan was also a poet. His earliest poems date from the years when his high school in Celovec started to teach the Slovene language. The poetry played an important role in his life. '''<
>|| <> <
>|| ||~-J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Telephone: +386 1 477 39 00<
> info@ijs.si -~ ||